Internal sources of funding:
- Henry Luce Foundation “Building Research Partnerships in the San Joaquin Valley: Community Engaged Research and Graduate Mentorship in the Interdisciplinary Humanities” grant
- researchersfocus on questions of shared interest in the public sphere and illustrate how humanities research beyond the academy can affect the local, regional, and national dialogues on key issues. There are three key elements are:
- A graduate seminar to be held each fall semester, informed by the year’s guiding theme, and including training sessions and workshops for community partners, graduate students and faculty;
- Supervised collaborative research activities each spring; and
- A summer internship during which students, faculty members and community members prepare the dissemination of research results, including how they will attract the attention of policy-maker
- researchersfocus on questions of shared interest in the public sphere and illustrate how humanities research beyond the academy can affect the local, regional, and national dialogues on key issues. There are three key elements are:
- Undergraduate Research in the Humanities (UROC-H)
- The goal of the UROC-H program is to engage a cohort of 10-15 promising undergraduate students each year in faculty-mentored research and prepare them for advanced education in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Faculty in Heritage Studies are actively involved in UROC-H. Please contact individual if you are interested in this fellowship and program; find more information here.
External sources of funding for anthropological research include:
- National Science Foundation, Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) Programs
- Wenner-Gren Foundation
- Fulbright Scholar Program
Updated 2021